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Employers Share Concern About Marijuana Legalization, Regardless of State or Industry

Hound Labs Conducts National Survey About Employer Attitudes Toward Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana in the Workplace Study

82% of Employers are Concerned about Marijuana Legalization

A new survey of employers in several industries across the country indicates concern about marijuana legalization and increased use.

Protecting Drivers

Protecting Drivers from Misleading Data

“The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has determined that smoking cannabis less than three hours prior to operating a motor vehicle impairs judgment and compromises driving performance”

San Jose Mercury News

Lynn: It’s time to have ‘the talk’ with kids (about pot)

“In study after study, marijuana has been shown to impair judgment, alertness, concentration, coordination and reaction time. On its own, marijuana is thought to double a driver’s risk of being in a crash. When mixed with alcohol, the risk of an accident can increase as much as 20 times.”


Marijuana and driving in the United States: prevalence, risks, and laws

“Laboratory studies show a link between recent marijuana use and driving skills, especially at high dosages. Marijuana is increasing in prevalence among drivers”