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What’s the science behind a THC breath-test getting a $300k pilot program in Oklahoma?

“I am very aggressive in that I’m trying to make our medical program the best medical program in the country,” [Rep. Scott] Fetgatter said. “I’m tired of listening to ‘what does Colorado do or California or Oregon.’ I want people to say ‘What is Oklahoma doing? How are they getting it right?’”


Oklahoma to test marijuana breathalyzer in DPS Pilot Program

“Cannabis experts said early data shows that this technology will help identify drivers who consumed marijuana within a few hours of behind the wheel. One lawmaker said it could help those who would fail a traditional sobriety or blood test.”


New device could soon be used to help police catch stoned drivers

“Hound Labs’ goal is a practical, fair solution, that works just like the breathalyzers you have seen used on television.”


Testing drivers for cannabis is hard. Here’s why

“We aren’t measuring impairment, we’re measuring THC in breath where it lasts a very short period of time, providing objective data about THC in breath to law enforcement and employers to use in conjunction with other information they have gathered,” said Hound Labs founder Mike Lynn, an emergency room doctor, reserve deputy sheriff and venture capitalist.”


Lab says its marijuana breath analyzer will hit the market in 2020

“Lynn stressed that his mission is one of fairness. He says he has a more equitable approach for both police and employers than to test with blood and urine, where chemical compounds found in cannabis known as cannabinoids are detectable long after a person is high.”


New breathalyser can test for marijuana, when it was last consumed

“As marijuana is starting to be legalized recreationally in many places, the new device has been labeled a “game-changer” by experts aiming to eliminate driving under the influence of the drug.”


Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana Among Persons Aged ≥16 Years

“The increased use of marijuana and some illicit drugs in the United States along with the results of this report, point to the need for rapid and sensitive assessment tools to ascertain the presence of and impairment by marijuana and other illicit drugs.”


The HOUND® CANNABIS BREATHALYZER tested by Alameda County Sheriff’s Office to catch impaired drivers

“Marijuana is legal, as is alcohol,’ said Hound Labs’ Mike Lynn. ‘But we’re not allowed to drink beer and drive, and there’s an absolute reason why people are not allowed to smoke pot and drive.”


A marijuana breathalyzer? New tech could be used in Ohio

“Having a marijuana breathalyzer that — for the first time — can focus on those people who have used pot in the last few hours, it transforms the ability in a fair way to determine who’s potentially impaired and who isn’t.”


Companies hawk breathalyzer-like devices for roadside marijuana testing

“’We don’t want to know what you did a week ago, or two weeks ago, because it doesn’t impact your impairment today,’ said Warren Tolman, director of business development for Hound Labs.”


Cops want to know who’s driving while stoned. Tests are being developed, but level of impairment after smoking weed is still hard to measure.

“The difficulty with [blood testing] is police typically need a judge’s approval for a search warrant, and then need a trained phlebotomist to draw the blood, a process that can easily take a couple of hours.”


Marijuana drug test in works; could be relief for employers

“The thing that’s groundbreaking about this test is it can distinguish recent use from historic use,” Mr. Boxer said. “An employee in many states has a legal right to use cannabis.”