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Fleets ramping up training on marijuana impairment

“A lot of our non-regulated fleet employers are having to make hard decisions about either eliminating marijuana from their drug-free testing program or eliminating drug testing altogether just to get candidates through the door”


Impairment testing lags behind state cannabis legalization

“‘The difference with the test and the reason why it’s groundbreaking, is it has a window of detection that lasts only a few hours,’ said Doug Boxer, the company’s chief of policy and strategic initiatives.”

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Responsible Vs. Reckless Weed Use: This THC Breathalyzer Knows The Difference

“Having a device that can distinguish recent marijuana use will help police officers determine the right course of action and will make users more careful when ingesting THC and getting behind the wheel.”

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THC Breathalyzers May Be Coming Soon, To A Police Station Near You

“Dr. Lynn said the purpose of the device is to ‘Maintain safety while recognizing the right to legally use marijuana.'”

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The marijuana breathalyzer is here. Next up: a breathalyzer to catch people infected with COVID-19

“Hound Labs created the COVID-19 breathalyzer based on the same exquisitely sensitive technology platform that we use for the HOUND® CANNABIS BREATHALYZER,” said Dr. Mike Lynn, the CEO of Hound Labs.”


Times, They Are A-Changin

“The once-standard policy advice for employers – simply state that your company does not allow the use of marijuana because it is still a Schedule I drug and still illegal under federal law – no longer applies.”