and save*

$0 / year

*Savings are estimates and are not guaranteed.

How were your savings calculated?

This estimate reflects the HR, legal, and safety-related savings if your company implemented the HOUND® CANNABIS BREATHALYZER as a part of your comprehensive drug testing program.

Savings Icon

HR Savings


21% of annual wages are spent to recruit and train a new employee2.

Legal Icon

Legal Savings


There is a 10% probability that a wrongfully terminated employee will file a lawsuit3.

Human Resources Icon

Safety Savings


39% of recreational marijuana users admit to going to work high at least once per week5.


Cost of recruiting + training employee replacements

Results are based on the assumption that your company is currently terminating employees who test positive for marijuana.

People Icon_Yellow_Rectangle


Employees who may test positive for marijuana annually when not detecting only recent use, based on the annual number of marijuana drug tests conducted at your company.

Pie Chart Icon_Yellow_Rectangle


Percent of annual wages2 spent to recruit and train a new employee.

The estimated annual cost of recruiting and training new hires to replace employees who were terminated for testing positive for marijuana when they may not have recently used:

Safety Savings Details

Cost of incremental workplace injuries

Does not include costs related to fatal accidents or property and equipment damage.

Cannabis Icon_Yellow_Rectangle


Percent of employees likely to be high at work once per week5.

Employees Icon_Yellow_Rectangle


Number of employees likely to be high at work once per week at your company.

Ambulance Icon_Yellow_Rectangle

The average number of injuries per 100 workers for the industry6.

Upward Graph Icon_Yellow_Rectangle


The increased likelihood of an injury due to a marijuana-impaired worker7.

Warning Icon_Yellow_Rectangle


The incremental risk of work injuries for the industry6.

Dollars Icon_Yellow_Rectangle


The average cost per medically consulted injury6.

Estimated total cost of incremental workplace injuries due to marijuana-impaired employees at work:

Save $0

If your company uses the HOUND® CANNABIS BREATHALYZER

  • Confidently determine recent marijuana use

  • Avoid positive results from use days prior to the test

  • Collect breath samples with limited exposure to bodily fluid compared to other testing methods

1 4.3% is the national marijuana positivity rate for the U.S. Source: General Workforce, 2022

2 Avg. cost to employers to recruit/train new workers is 21% of the worker's annual salary. Source: National Safety Council.

3 10% likelihood of an employee lawsuit. Source: 2017 Hiscox Guide to Employee Lawsuits.

4 $200,000 cost to defend an employee lawsuit. Source: Current Consulting Group / 2017 Hiscox Guide to Employee Lawsuits.

5 Nearly Half of Marijuana Users Have Gone to Work High. Source: Instamotor survey.

6 Prevalence and cost of industry injuries and fatalities by industry. Source: National Safety Council Injury Facts, 2018.

7 Marijuana Not Conducive to Workplace Safety DATIA Says. Source: Psychemedics, 2016.

Discover more about the HOUND® CANNABIS BREATHALYZER

After years of R&D, the HOUND® CANNABIS BREATHALYZER delivers unparalleled THC detection capabilities in a portable solution.